The Seven Deadly Mistakes to Avoid When Dating a Dutch Man
Before telling you about the mistakes expats often make when dating a Dutch man, here’s a story about an incident in Amsterdam.
A female friend and sometimes running partner of the Shallow Man was having a massage in a place in the Rivierenbuurt. She was behind a curtain, having a good massage when she heard a voice in English asking one of the staff, “what kind of massages do you provide here?” The staff member responded “pressure point massage.” The English voice asked, “what other kinds of massage?” To which the response was, “pressure point massage.” The inquisitive chap on the other side of the curtain pressed on. “Do you do body to body massage?” the voice of the staff member was now getting louder, “we do normal massage.” The English voice pressed on and finally got to the point, “what about a happy ending?” At which point the response was “you dirty man, you get out now!” Which brings me to the subject of today’s post, seven deadly mistakes made when dating a Dutch man.
The Shallow Man has met many an expat lady that has been on dates with Dutch men that have not led to happy endings. Several disappointed, international antelope, have asked me where they went wrong in their pursuit of the Dutch Lion. The Shallow Man, is, as always, sensitive to the needs of his expat flock. Therefore, at considerable risk to my bespoke tailored three-piece suit wearing self, I have put together a list of deadly mistakes to avoid when dating Dutch men. My advice will no doubt upset some, and if I am captured by a posse of angry Dutch men with lion king hairstyles and am forced to sit through hours of music from Tiesto, Fedde La Grand and Armin van Buuren, I’ll look into the eyes of my enemies and shout, sodemieter op,  jullie domme kakkers!
The things I do for my readers!
Dating a Dutch Man, the Shallow Man’s Advice
Dutch men, are probably the luckiest of their species on planet earth. I say this simply because, Dutch women, in spite of often dressing as if the Netherlands has a permanent power outage, and they can only choose what to wear in the dark, are amongst the most beautiful women that you’ll see anywhere in the world.
That in itself would be reason enough for every Dutch male to get down on their hands and knees and thank God, Buddha or Allah that they are lucky enough to be born here, but they have an even better reason to be blissfully happy. Dutch women are, in the opinion of the shallow man, the most predatory women on planet earth. The Dutch female selects the man she is interested in with the precision of a special forces sniper, aiming at a target.
The Dutch female is often not particularly interested or fazed by the fact that their target could be married, in a relationship or even as the Shallow Man has witnessed with his own eyes, have their girlfriend present. The Dutch ladies are relentless once they have set their sights on a target. This, in turn, has led to the Dutch male being one of the laziest when it comes to chasing women, as generally, they don’t really need to. The antelope calls the shots and the Lion simply needs to drink his biertjes and wait to be hunted.
Because of this, expat women, often end up making the following deadly mistakes when dating a Dutch man.
Deadly Dating Mistake Number 1
Flirting. In many countries, it’s quite normal during the course of a date to flirt with each other. Dutch men, used as they are to having antelope served to them on a denim covered plate, have missed out on this vital part of human relations during their development to adulthood. Dutch women, are often very blunt in their intentions and don’t waste time with such things as flirting. If a woman flirts with a Dutch man the likely response will be “so are we going to your place or mine?” no starter, or main course just a sprint through to dessert.
Deadly Dating Mistake Number 2
The Shallow Man is risking a storm of abuse by bringing this up again, but, I’ve been told repeatedly by expat women, even as recently as yesterday (thank you Vittoria) that Dutch men are tighter than a virgin female flea. When out with a Dutch man on a first date, you could be having a lovely evening. He may even have made an attempt at flirting, romance is in the air, everything is looking promising until……….., the bill arrives. The previously charming Dutchmen then breaks out into a cold sweat and looks at the bill, at you, at the bill, then at you again, and there is a silence so deep that you can hear the female mice in the cafe coughing. (Due to smoking, they are Dutch after all).
Do not under any circumstances expect him to pay your part of the bill. This is indeed a deadly mistake, if you are hoping to see your Dutch lion again, be a good antelope and suggest quickly that you’ll split the bill. If you are hoping for a happy ending that night, pay the entire bill, he’ll be so overjoyed he might even propose marriage.
Deadly Dating Mistake Number 3
Due to the Dutchman’s love of money, they will not be impressed if during your date that you order bottled water or even worse San Pellegrino, which is the Ferrari of bottled water and is not cheap. Your date will immediately assess you as being high maintenance, while he drinks his glass of tap water.
Deadly Dating Mistake Number 4
Dressing up. The Dutch male is used to the fashion sense of the “doe maar gewoon” Dutch female. In other words, denim, shapeless boots, a top that clashes so badly with the rest of the outfit that you’d think Stevie Wonder was their personal stylist, and hair that would make a perfect nest for any passing bird.
If you, as an expat woman, turn up for your date, as is normal in most countries, in a nice outfit, stylishly cut shoes, makeup and styled hair, your Dutch date will have a minor heart attack. He is likely to ask you what that stuff is on your face, and if you are planning to attend a wedding after the date. The shallow man advises that on the day of the date, that you put your TV on Nederland een, between 7 and 9 and watch Vandaag de Dag. Look at how poorly dressed the presenters of this show are and simply copy them. That is what passes for high fashion here. Your date will love you and not fear for the money in his wallet. If you really want to make him feel comfortable, wash your hair prior to the date and don’t bother drying it, this drives the Dutch male crazy with passion.
The Shallow Man
Would like to thank all of the ladies that were kind enough to share your tales of dating woe with me.
Stevie Wonder was not hurt during the writing of this article.
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Until next time, hou je bek!
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There’s a lot of red-heads in the Netherlands so this shouldn’t prevent you from success in the dating field. As for autism, well if you’re familiar with Dutch directness, then you’ll know that the behavior of many is borderline autistic, so also not a problem
Flirting = sadism, as Ernest Jones lucidly explained many, many moons ago. You outsource your jealousy on the other person so you don’t have to feel it. The Dutch dress awfully but, as a people and a culture, they are not sadistic. Blessed is the nation that distinguishes between romance and fliting. Y’all folks will have to learn proper Dutch before you can even begin to fathom this. Stay in Amsterdam, please!
I have got to cite my relevant experience. My ex is Dutch from Alkmaar and the guys out this way can pay for bills but will expect something in return. Romance is a foreign thing for them I think it’s replaced by gezelligheid which is a beautiful wonderful thing but is not going to get you between the sheets in the same way. It’s actually quite disappointing considering Dutch men (and women for that matter) are so good looking but the flirting thing is just a bone they didn’t grow. In my personal experience. Would love to find myself wrong but won’t ????
There’s not much right about this story.
And I know, because I’m a Dutchman.
Most of the stories are experiences from amsterdam, rotterdam, the hague , utrecht or haarlem.
But the Netherlands is more than just these cities, and in addition, the cities mentioned are very busy.
Maybe nice for going out, but not so nice for your wallet, everything there is very pricey.
So try going out in Groningen, Arnhem, Nijmegen, Enschede, Eindhoven or any other big place in the Netherlands.
I’m 56 years old and I don’t recognize any of this in return. The men who do this live in the first cities (or are of foreign descent and are dutch) it’s perfectly normal for a first date that the man pays everything.
So don’t immediately believe everything you hear or read, but also ask your friends who have experience with the Netherlands.
How about American Dutch men? The ones that were born in the US, but their parents are from the Netherlands? Are they similar to the Dutch in the Netherlands? I know a guy who is very stylish, and drives a BMW. He is tall, and loves to argue. Arguing is his flirting. It’s actually very cute. Definitely he knows nothing about chivalry. I do enjoy his “down to Earth”- ness, and straightforward stuff.
Drives a beemer? So he’s a douche not down to earth
Well your interesting. Being in a city is very expensive but who determines what is expensive?
I agree with you. And, I also think that the content of this blog is based on stereotypes. I am an expat, living in The Netherlands, married to a 100% Dutch man (blond, blue eyed, tall), and he liked me at first glance, for me being different, dressed in ladylike clothes, and high heels. A lot of Dutch man like feminine woman. It is so wrong to generalise concepts based on stereotypes. This blog always generalises things, which is wrong.
Having a lot of fun reading your blog !
Not sure it will help me as a French woman dating in Amsterdam, but at least, I laugh ????
I disagree the Dutch guys all I have know not selfish. They are mindful just sound out. In fact they are so charitable. Dutch guys belive in women powerment. Know much more about other people country and culture. Majority asain/middles Eastern girls love dutch guys. They belive in equality and respect for women. Many asain South asain girls married to dutch guy. Dutch guys are charitable. They are family oriented, they belive in family is key in everything. Dutch guys prefer girls who ever they are to be honest. They dress will well themselves, so if you are dressy they don’t give shit, they really don’t care if you are or not dressy, if they like you they like. They can be selfish, but that’s good right why have lavish dinner, when you can just have normal dinner, I think they are like this because they are raised with respect and charitable. Some Dutch guys are asshole and some aren’t. But that everywhere not juts Dutch guys. Either way Dutch guys live foreign girls. I have sooo many dutxh guy friends, they kept asking to get them in date with foreign girls. So to all the foreign I can assure you Dutch guys are really nice. The most thing I like about them is honesty. They are damn honest and truthful. I have actually noticed man from tohwe country aren’t like that at lies after lies. Has wife or gf but still be asking you out talk about bullshit right. Dutch guy on the other hand are plain honest.
I love hearing that Dutch men are nice, respectful, family oriented.
I’m of Dutch descent but grew up elsewhere – so I don’t know a lot about Dutch men. But I don’t think they are particularly faithful types! My opa cheated on oma constantly… and they had 9 kids! She finally divorced him. And my Dutch uncle was also an awful cheater.
Is this a European thing, perhaps? I hear the French all have mistresses.
I’ve been living in the Netherlands for 13 years…married to a Dutch man.
Pretty much everything you have said, I agree with. Only someone from the outside can REALLY see these point of views!
Most Dutchies are set in their ways and there’s no room to budge!
I agree with this article, even though it’s written tongue in cheek. Dutch guys are lazy when it comes to flirting and dating. They just expect women to do all the work. & Dutch women will. I find many of them quite ‘village’ minded too, as there aren’t many big cities here. I’m very happy living in the NL, but without any single girlfriends to hang out with, it’s impossible to meet a fabulous guy, who’s willing to put in some effort – I so want to be proved wrong ????
Wut? Just… Wut? I’m actually insulted FOR my Dutch boyfriend, as an American, reading this article. He’s not at all like this other than thinking bottled water is ridiculous if you live in a country with safe drinking water (agreed there). He is the polar opposite. A total sweetheart.
I hope to god this is satire. I’ll give you this: I like your writing style. It’s great. Article organization is great, and visual presentation is nice.
Otherwise, just… wut. Not to say there aren’t Dutchmen. Stereotypes exist for a reason. There is, or once was, some truth, but… just no.
And Dutch women? I haven’t heard that stereotype previously.
As a person who lives in the Netherlands I can attest to the stereotype.
-Borderline hysteric if things don’t go as planned
-Stylish but usually “wishy washy” in the personality department
-Direct borderline rude
And Dutch women especially compared to other women in Europe (Eastern Europe and Southern Europe) tend to be sort of manly and unkempt.
I can agree with the frugal and spastic if things don’t go as planned/aren’t on time. That’s fair enough. And direct, yeah; I can be, too. Being American, however, we have to be more plastic and beat around the bush. Social norms.
Maybe my boyfriend is an outlier; though even he was like, “Wtf?” when he read the article when it came to certain aspects of the article. Regional maybe? He’s in Brabant. Might be something in Noord Holland given the culture there. I’m not sure where you live.
The female characteristic appearance/behavior is interesting. I’ll have to look into that (culture nerd here). I’m more masculine, not necessarily stylish, etc. I’d fit right in there. 🙂
interesting read. maybe I could use some advice for meeting dutch women? though I may be physically too ugly looking facially to have a chance. the rest of the world judges me this way at the very least, but at least i’m safe to dance In some of the dutch bars that have great discotechs 😉 in the uk, people want to fight me for the way I dance (and spin round to good rhythmatic music). I’m wondering if I’m a long lost genetic from the Netherlands that got lost and stunted in height due to being born in the uk, as I have a good number of views of the dutch men also and one or 2 friends I have , have told me that I could pass for a low status dutch man (due to my shitty stunted well below average male height of 5’8 1’2 which is pitiful)
I love your blog. Brilliant!
Thank you Ali. Nice to receive compliments once in a blue moon. 😉
After 14 years living in The Netherlands, and various attempts of dating Dutch man…I can say that it’s so true that it hurts! Of course Dutch man are going to say that it’s not true…of course they will…
And I forgot to comment about Dutch woman…yes they are dangerous and they go for what they want doesn’t matter if it’s her best friend husband…not a very trustful woman to have around if your boyfriend is cute and or have a nice job…again I know what I am talking about!! And in terms of working with them…oh man…I have so much to say about it…but for now it’s enough!
if you look anything like I do, you will never have to worry about being pursued by women as I’m considered one of the most ugliest looking men world-wide.
saying that, I don’t get nearly as much hostility in the Netherlands as I do elsewhere in the world. I guess the fact that I’m a red headed man renders me off the even remotely desirable list, and that may just be 1 reason. maybe my face screams autism (I sadly do suffer with being an aspie)
There’s a lot of red-heads in the Netherlands so this shouldn’t prevent you from success in the dating field. As for autism, well if you’re familiar with Dutch directness, then you’ll know that the behavior of many is borderline autistic, so also not a problem. 😀
And maybe if you stopped Judging people by their gender and nationality, people wouldn’t call you a bitch, of course you’ll say you’re not as bitch… of course you will.
Ahhh I am your first comment…I am touched…and btw I am not going to denied it…I am a bitch…But thank you for point it!
Shallow man, I think you’re very harsh with dutch men. I sort of had this thing going on for a while with a dutch (wouldn’t call it a relationship either though).
He definitely had this issue with money, had me pay for a whole week-end in Paris and I’ll spare you the details. Although I did find it particularly weird/ pathetic, I still think there were very positive things about him, due to him being dutch. Handsome (well, thin and tall), VERY straightforward, smooth and relaxed (some might describe it as cold, I disagree), great sense of humor, seemed to be very family oriented. I’m lebanese, so I’d wear dresses, heals and make-up (I’m rather “basic” compared to my culture of origin so not that much either, but still), and he did not seem to mind it. Although it was a definite failure, it still made me rather curious of the dutch than want to run the other way. There is something special about them.
In other words Dutch men are like autistic feminine cowards
Spot on