Expat Life in the Netherlands

Hello friends and enemies. A wise man once said that a picture is worth a thousand words and by god he was right! With that in mind, I’ve put together some useful infographics on various aspects of expat life in the Netherlands. No need to thank me.

The things I do for my readers!

1. Risks to be aware of


Expat life in the Netherland risk diagram


2. There’s more to life in the Netherlands than what meets the eye

iceberg diagram life in the Netherlands


3. Inside the Dutch mind



4. The Dutch language circle of death

Learn Dutch circle of death



For all the Dutch nationalists and expat partners of Dutch people who will go on my Facebook page and whine that I’m being negative about the Netherlands. How bitter are those ballen? Please don’t project your insecurities onto me. I’m well-integrated and am just telling it like it is. 😉  For more shallow wisdom, feel free to join my Facebook group.

No lekker spontaan Dutch ladies in Bali were hurt during the writing of this post