Grooming tips for men
The shallow man has often been complimented for his snake like hips, skin that is smoother than a Barry White greatest hits album and a face that fails to show years of partying, fine wine and fine women, indeed, many have pointed out that the shallow man is ageing like a bottle of Château Mouton Rothschild.
I’m often asked by other men, “how do you it? how do you manage to look so good?” Obviously, a man has his secrets, many, many in the vault of privacy that shall remain under lock, key and armed guard. However, I’ve decided to take pity on lesser mortals and provide an insight into the shallow man’s silky smooth skin and fabulous complexion.
I never fail to be surprised at the general lack of grooming carried out by my fellow man. Some seem to labour under the misconception that grooming begins and ends with Nivea. Well, I wouldn’t wash a dog with their products let alone myself. So here are some grooming tips.
Shower Gel
A shower gel should not only be refreshing and revitalizing, but it should also make you smell like a King. If you want to start the day smelling great take my advice and use Biotherm Homme shower gel.
Yes, it’s not cheap, but worth every penny.
Body Lotion
Defoliating products
After Shave
Face Cream
Hand creme
Nose and Ear hair
Don’t forget that while nose hair can occasionally make one laugh due to a tickling sensation, that it really doesn’t look particularly attractive. The same applies to ear hair. Get yourself a clipper and use it often.
Simple tips from the shallow man.
Now as the Dutch would say Opzouten!
Bleu de Chanel is a gorgeous scent and my absolute favourite. It certainly beat the standard, run of the mill Van Gils or, God forbid, Axe. I’m shuddering whilst I type this.
LOL!! Maria, I agree with you 100%