There are always 7 reasons…
What a week it’s been in Dutch politics. Throughout the Netherlands people are revolting. No I’m not talking about wearing birkenstocks with three quarter length leggings, I’m referring to the number of demonstrations going on throughout the land against accepting asylum seekers.
I wanted to avoid political commentary, but in the words of the late, great, Michael Corleone, “just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!”
Seven reasons not to accept more Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands
Having followed the debate closely. Here are seven completely rational and acceptable reasons for objecting to refugees in the Netherlands. Click on the video below.
The Dutch Kingdom of NIMBY (Not in my backyard)
The gemeente were planning to house 600 refugees, yes 600!! Which is a huge amount, on a former football field facility. The residents got together and raised six hundred thousand euros to buy the land. They did this for humanitarian reasons, as they felt that a football field wouldn’t be dignified enough for the refugees.
The Dutch love democracy, which is why every time the mayor of Purmerend attempts to hold a debate about opening a permanent facility for 750 asylum seekers it’s disrupted by angry PVV supporters and concerned residents.
This is a region of Holland with 18,000 residents. The EU and the government of Mark Rutte is trying to force them to accept 600 asylum-seekers. They are fighting for their right to remain white  christian Dutch.
The PVV led official city of tolerance, has been home to some heated debates. With PVV supporters yelling at a Dutch supporter of housing asylum seekers “I hope your daughter is raped by an asylum seeker.” Lovely!
Yes there is actually a place in the Netherlands called Oranje. It’s a tiny village, home to 140 residents, many of whom look very similar. The Government is forcing them to accept 1400 Asylum Seekers, who will be housed in a caravan park nearby. The thought of having to queue even longer at the local grocers on a Saturday morning for boerenkool is causing huge amounts of hysteria.
No residents of Oranje were hurt during the writing of this post.
Till next time, hou je bek!
Not accepting them is not the solution. is only the denial of a problem. What could we do to find a solution for refugee issue? Does any of those pure dutch people have a solution?
dat meme tho ;3
I moderate these comments and don’t spend 24 hours a day doing this, so sometimes there’s a delay. Thanks for the choice language 😉
Ugh, the stories about the dutch dating scene and stuff is what brought me to this site and always make me laugh, but captain PC from britain makes me sigh. Worrying about an extra hunderd thousand muslims, psssht don’t be a PVV’er amrite? Increase of theft, violence, sexual assault around AZC’s is all just racist talk, they’re all people in need who will be thankful for the shelter this country provides . To be tolerant for the followers of a fundamentally intolerant religion, hey you’re not gay or a jew so who cares right, is what you are asking. The US with their buttbuddy Britain fucked up half the middle east, with a lot of genuine tragedy for the people involved, and Western Europe can save the lot of them.. puh-lease get real.
Also Enschede “is a region of Holland with 18,000 residents”? Stick to blogging about Amsterdam.
Sven, the Netherlands have been asked to accept just over 9,000 refugees by the EU, not 100,000. The Netherlands is a signatory to the UN refugee charter. This agreement doesn’t allow what you appear to be proposing, which is to discriminate against refugees based on their religion. Typo re Enschede with has 158,000 residents not 18,000. All the more reason they shouldn’t be whining about taking a few hundred refugees.
I’m not just talking about the asylumseekers that get relocated through the EU, but the total of asylumseekers coming this year. Granted 100.000 might be too much (mostly due to our eastern neighbours being buried with most of them), but right now we’re at 3100 people A WEEK ( ) . Worrying about the impact of that on Dutch (western) culture is not something only idiots like Wilders and his followers do.
The Netherlands is not accepting 3,000 a week. Germany yes, but not the Netherlands. As for the impact on western culture as you call it, I don’t see what the concern is. Germany has 80 million residents. By the end of this year they’ll have probably taken on almost a million refugees. What do you think is going to happen? Will they stop serving pork and alcohol at the Oktoberfest? Or will people have to pray to Mecca prior to a Bayern Munich game? I think not.
The refugee crisis is a geopolitical problem that the EU/NATO will have to resolve one way or another. It’s quite obvious that when civilian areas are bombed that the residents run for safety. The cause (Assad and ISIS) needs to be resolved. The EU has sat on its hands during this war and now the effects are spilling over into Europe.
Dude I literally posted a link to the volkskrant article that says the netherlands is getting 3200 asylumweekers a week and you tell me “no it’s germany”, come on. Google translate is your friend. Also the impact won’t be that direct don’t be stupid, it’s a large influx of muslims on top of the already growing muslim population (simple birthrate statistics) which does worry me for the future of Europe. Indeed I expect the coming decades to be filled with muslims demanding more and more stuff based on religious reasons, be it the banning of pork, seperation of women/men at school, mosque call to prayers blaring on a daily basis, girls being called names and worse for no headscarf and so fort. You will obviously disagree, but time will tell and sadly I think I’ll be proven right, muslims by and large don’t care about western values. I agree with the entire second part of your post, but perhaps the solution must not be “well lets all come live here”. I don’t care about the money, I’d like the goverment to double the money they now spend on asylumseekers and invest it the help the region itself instead. And stop following america into pointless wars.
Oh and I mistakenly thought you deleted a previous comment, apologies.
Your fear of these men, women and children is partially understandable. There is not much information about this refugees and/or islam, so it is easier to connect the presumingly closest points and make easy conclusions out of it.
First, these are just normal people that have lost their home and were simply FORCED to come here. Originally I bet they never planned to come here (because the Netherlands its not paradise either) but having being promoted one of the most liberal country in the world for years, it makes sense people would choose the Netherlands to feel ‘free’.
Second, Islam is a very complex religion that is very similar to Christianity. Just like you have protestants, Rome catholics, jehova witnes, evangelists, etc. in christianity, you also have different groups in Islam. So you actually can’t talk about the gay-hating, jew-hating and questionable believes of women, of the extreme evangelists and label the entire christianity with it. It’s the same with Islam. As there are some crazy people ruining it for everybody, most of the muslims are just normal, free thinking people.
Third, what you said about the changes in western society and culture, in reality, are literally impossible. If you have a fair understanding about the political processes, government bureaucracy and relations of political institutions, you will see that changing anything of its main structure is technically and politically impossible. To do any slight changes you would need a majority of muslims in the tweede- and eerste-kamer. Even then, they would still have to comply with a -mostly christian based- Dutch constitution.
Furthermore, the biggest threat to the Dutch culture is not coming from the middle east, but rather from the west. The American culture is influencing and changing more things in the Netherlands than any other thing. Most of the things on TV are American, a lot of dutch people know more history of the US than the Netherlands and yet, nobody complains.
Finally, I though it was interesting you said “Time will tell”. Because, the refugee problem is not a new thing of this year, decade or even decennia. There has even been records, dating from the middle ages, of people fearing the migration of muslims and refugees into Europe and how they form a direct threat to the way of life, population growth and European christianity (Don’t have time right now to send you the link, but will do it later). So even since the middle ages, the fear of this “islamic invasion” and the possible changes coming with it, existed. Yet, I haven’t seen Europe changing or being influenced by anything of the most extreme islamic culture and I bet it will remain like that.
Sadly enough, this is a typical human problem. Even our great great grand-children will be complaining about exactly the same things and fearing the same changes.
So what I’m trying to say is: Don’t worry to much about this men, women and children, and you will see that apart from seeing some more brown people than usual, nothing culturally or politically is going to change, as time in the past has proven. Time will always tell.
I can read Dutch, didn’t click on the link you pasted. Will read it then comment
I totally shre your sentiments, Sven. No one is more intolerant and discriminating than the Muslims themselves. Unfortunately, most of these asylumseekers happen to be Muslims. (or shall we call them uitkeringszoekers?) I really don’t like the way western European politicians have become so sensitive to be called racist or discriminating to the point that they’ve completely switched towards the “away with us” mentality. Shouldn’t it be that the leaders of this country should focus on the best interest of their people before the rest of the world? Plus, bringing everyone here is not the long term solution. It’s a ticking time bomb. Before we know it, the locals will end up like the Aborigines or American Indians. Already there are reports that these “refugees” already fight among themselves within the refugees facilities.
hahahahaa. Do you seriously believe that the Dutch will become a minority in the Netherlands and it will become a US of Syria? Come on. Listen. It’s this simple. The Netherlands is a signatory to the UN Refugee Charter. It has to accept a certain number of refugees. These will be processed and no doubt the economic migrants amongst them will be deported. Do you seriously believe that people are leaving Syria and coming to this country for social security? Many of these people are normal middle class folks who have had to run as Assad has been dropping barrel bombs on their neighborhoods, or ISIS have been taking over more and more ground and selling lots of Syrian women off as sex slaves. I don’t often agree with Mark Rutte, but he was right when he called for the hysteria about asylum seekers to stop.
‘but you know who’s even more intolerant Simon? Muslims. Hate gays. Hate jews’ This comment is hilarious, Muslims intolerant? I AM a Muslim, married to a JEW, and one of my closest friends here in the Netherlands, is a PVV supporting, GAY guy!! So get your head round that!!
I find that quite nice to hear actually, you go girl. Doesn’t change too much about what I said though, as I’d be pleasantly suprised if even 10% of the new arrivals share your sentiments.
You’re quoting the Volkskrant? I work for the Volkskrant and know better!!
All it shows is that the residents DO NOT share the “fairy tales” distributed by the governments about the “refugees of war” before they are actually proven or even checked for that matters. And they HAVE EVERY RIGHT to do so. One chooses to trust what one sees … which is mostly (not always) not what is being fed from the media.