Romance on tinder, alive and well

There are some cynics out there claiming that romance on tinder just isn’t possible. Well the Shallow Man strongly disagrees, love and romance are everywhere in Amsterdam, you just have to know where to look.

An expat reader of my blog was kind enough to share with me a message she received from a ravenous Dutch lion. Be warned it’s in Dutch, and it’s contents are definitely for adults only.



Romantic tinder message to an expat antelope

Screenshot 2015-06-06 06.42.22


Dating a Dutchman was a bit of a shock for the expat lady


Translated to English

Hi sexy, you look wonderful. Do you fancy coming round to my bachelor lions den this evening? I’d like to have your beautiful mouth around my lul (look it up) while you’re on your knees. The rest of this romantic message is pretty much as you’d imagine.

This is actually a great opportunity to practice your Dutch. Print the message above and take it to a native Dutch speaker and ask them to translate it. I’m sure they’ll enjoy explaining the finer points of the elegant grammar used in the message.


No blushing antelopes were hurt during the writing of this post.